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Class TimeboxEvo

This class instanciate the proper class to communicate with the Timebox Evo


  • TimeboxEvo





  • Returns an instance of the class required to communicate with the Timebox Evo


    • type: Object

      type of request. Can be any of: cloud, custom, lightning, scoreboard, time, vjeffect, brightness, temp_weather, text, picture, animation, datetime, raw

    Returns RequestTypes

    the proper class instance

  • Returns an instance of the class required to communicate with the Timebox Evo


    • type: "cloud"

      type of request. Can be any of: cloud, custom, lightning, scoreboard, time, vjeffect, brightness, temp_weather, text, picture, animation, datetime, raw

    Returns CloudChannel

    the proper class instance

  • Returns an instance of the class required to communicate with the Timebox Evo


    • type: "custom"

      type of request. Can be any of: cloud, custom, lightning, scoreboard, time, vjeffect, brightness, temp_weather, text, picture, animation, datetime, raw

    Returns CustomChannel

    the proper class instance

  • Returns an instance of the class required to communicate with the Timebox Evo


    • type: "lightning"

      type of request. Can be any of: cloud, custom, lightning, scoreboard, time, vjeffect, brightness, temp_weather, text, picture, animation, datetime, raw

    Returns LightningChannel

    the proper class instance

  • Returns an instance of the class required to communicate with the Timebox Evo


    • type: "scoreboard"

      type of request. Can be any of: cloud, custom, lightning, scoreboard, time, vjeffect, brightness, temp_weather, text, picture, animation, datetime, raw

    Returns ScoreBoardChannel

    the proper class instance

  • Returns an instance of the class required to communicate with the Timebox Evo


    • type: "time"

      type of request. Can be any of: cloud, custom, lightning, scoreboard, time, vjeffect, brightness, temp_weather, text, picture, animation, datetime, raw

    Returns TimeChannel

    the proper class instance

  • Returns an instance of the class required to communicate with the Timebox Evo


    • type: "vjeffect" | "vj-effect"

      type of request. Can be any of: cloud, custom, lightning, scoreboard, time, vjeffect, brightness, temp_weather, text, picture, animation, datetime, raw

    Returns VJEffectChannel

    the proper class instance

  • Returns an instance of the class required to communicate with the Timebox Evo


    • type: "brightness"

      type of request. Can be any of: cloud, custom, lightning, scoreboard, time, vjeffect, brightness, temp_weather, text, picture, animation, datetime, raw

    Returns BrightnessCommand

    the proper class instance

  • Returns an instance of the class required to communicate with the Timebox Evo


    • type: "temp_weather"

      type of request. Can be any of: cloud, custom, lightning, scoreboard, time, vjeffect, brightness, temp_weather, text, picture, animation, datetime, raw

    Returns TempWeatherCommand

    the proper class instance

  • Returns an instance of the class required to communicate with the Timebox Evo


    • type: "text"

      type of request. Can be any of: cloud, custom, lightning, scoreboard, time, vjeffect, brightness, temp_weather, text, picture, animation, datetime, raw

    Returns DisplayText

    the proper class instance

  • Returns an instance of the class required to communicate with the Timebox Evo


    • type: "picture" | "animation"

      type of request. Can be any of: cloud, custom, lightning, scoreboard, time, vjeffect, brightness, temp_weather, text, picture, animation, datetime, raw

    Returns DisplayAnimation

    the proper class instance

  • Returns an instance of the class required to communicate with the Timebox Evo


    • type: "datetime"

      type of request. Can be any of: cloud, custom, lightning, scoreboard, time, vjeffect, brightness, temp_weather, text, picture, animation, datetime, raw

    Returns DateTimeCommand

    the proper class instance

  • Returns an instance of the class required to communicate with the Timebox Evo


    • type: "raw"

      type of request. Can be any of: cloud, custom, lightning, scoreboard, time, vjeffect, brightness, temp_weather, text, picture, animation, datetime, raw

    Returns TimeboxEvoRequest

    the proper class instance

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